
Mastering social media: content pillars unveiled

Basic principles

Important elements

A few more tips

All about the benefits

How to create a base?

Examples of components

Mastering social media: content pillars unveiled

How Content Pillars Can Level Up Your Marketing Strategy.
How content pillars can level up your marketing strategy.

If you spend a lot of time creating content to promote your business on social media, don't worry. To simplify the task and speed up the solution, you just need to create social media content pillars. With a little knowledge and skills, this is quite simple to do.

If you have previously relegated this concept of promotion to the background, then today it is worth paying attention to it. The small investments that will have to be made in the first stage of creating the pillars will bring decent rewards in the future.

Typically, the process of creating pillars has a clear structure and step-by-step plan, which will greatly simplify your work. By doing everything consistently, it will be easier for you to track your strategy and apply methods that will optimally interest your subscribers. Using pillars will save you money and nerves.

🔎 Basic principles

Social media content pillars are made up of the most popular key topics among your target audience. These topics will be the building blocks for applying your strategy across your social media platforms consistently and competently.

Key topics can be divided into categories as appropriate:

Each topic needs to be tested first so that it is optimally suited to your target audience and addresses their interests. In addition, you can come up with your own topics.

When applying such promotion principles in practice, it is worth remembering that marketing on social media may work for one product/service, but not another. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the feedback from your subscribers and make adjustments to your strategy. This will allow you to attract more audiences.

For those who are looking for the opportunity to create truly high-quality content, there is the Pygma service. The most modern tools for creating unique photos, reels, stories and videos are collected here. And the coolest thing is that you can try all this completely free! Take advantage of a unique AI co-pilot that will help you find ideas for content that suits your page. The smart editor will create incredible photos and videos using more than 35 styles and other various tools. And these are not all the possibilities!

🧩 Important elements

Any social network is created for communication between users. Therefore, it is worth taking an active part in the life of your community by liking, commenting on posts and answering subscribers’ questions. Interact as much as possible with all responses and respond to private messages.

If you are in doubt about choosing a topic, you should conduct a survey among the audience and find out what they want to see and what will be most useful for them. Many well-known brands resort to precisely this tactic of promotion and creation of content pillars.

This method is an excellent option to maintain close relationships with subscribers and understand what they want. You can then apply the appropriate publication type.

To make your page interesting and appealing to users, you need to be able to look into the future. To do this, you can use two Pygma tools: an assistant with artificial intelligence and the same content planner. The AI ​​co-pilot will tell you which topics are most relevant now and point out interesting features that Instagram users like. And the second function will create a detailed content plan to save you time. Check out even more features by turning on the trial period.

By defining the focus and components of future content, you can create a roadmap for yourself and know what to publish. This will simplify marketing and advertising campaigns while maintaining the stability of your business.

Also, content fundamentals will be the deciding factor for SEO. They will increase company recognition, increase customer confidence, and increase engagement and conversion. By creating informative and high-quality content that will be posted on your page, you will be able to increase the number of resource visitors and subscribers. Ultimately, the number of leads and traffic will also increase.

Proper use of the pillars will ensure that your strategy does not collapse over time. They will help add authenticity to your page. By applying the pillars correctly, it will be easier for you to create relevant content, and your work will flow faster and more interesting.

If you are working on the topic of workplace culture, you might create a text outline that looks something like this:

Often, content pillars for Instagram cannot be classified according to certain topics. It all depends on the focus of the business and the chosen methods of its promotion. Ideally, your pillars should be at least 95% consistent with your business theme.

When creating social media content, you shouldn’t resort to outdated practices unless you are sure they work for your specific audience (for example, if your target audience consists of mostly older generations). 

There are many benefits to applying new concepts without having to stray too far from your chosen subject. When creating a text, you must not forget about its main purpose - to interest and attract the audience. The creation of content pillars requires further continuous monitoring of their effectiveness.

The types of content pillars can vary depending on the focus of the business and industry. You should concentrate on the following options:

It is becoming clear to many that content pillars for Instagram are one of the optimal tools for working and promoting their marketing strategy. But we must remember that even while maintaining the basic principles of their creation, you can lose the direction of action. For example, you can publish a strange post from the audience's point of view. It can be a picture or GIF of an unrelated topic.

What needs to be done to prevent this from happening? Entrust many of the functions of managing your Instagram account to a smart AI assistant. Pygma is what is needed both for novice users and for experienced business owners developing their business pages on this social network. Don't waste your time when others are already taking advantage of modern capabilities and not only making things easier for themselves, but also creating something completely new that the audience really likes.

There is also a fine line between repeating posts and iterating on them. If you manage to hit the middle, then marketing on social media concepts will be tested to the strength of the entire company.

You can use stickers or decals when creating the pillars. You can organize a company according to your own rules, moving away from its standards. 

Furthermore, you can add app shortcuts to every piece of content you post and categorize it by topic, product, and more. 

When promoting a page, you can create filtering of social media content using labels. This will allow you to find gaps in your strategy and quickly adapt it to the public's needs. 

Recommendations for tags:

It will be most relevant to work on your page as a team. When it comes to planning the content pillars, the use of specialists from different fields becomes extremely relevant. This is a tool that will help you maintain team efficiency on any social network, including Instagram.

A precise understanding of the basic principles of content pillars will help support your social media. The main directions are:


It can incline people to make certain decisions. But here it is important not to manipulate and deceive your subscribers. Such influence can be acquired over time by maintaining close relationships with the audience, bringing them certain benefits.

The trust

It is of decisive importance, regardless of whether it is a private individual or a company. The only right way to increase the trust of subscribers is to adhere to the company’s core values and correctly create your social media content.


Each social network has a large amount of different, unique content, so it will sometimes be difficult for beginning business owners to stand out from the crowd. Therefore, when forming your strategy and content, you need to pay attention to how the information is generated and what increases the value of your brand. You need to clearly define your mission and the reason why your company is on the social network, how it will be useful to subscribers.


Every business on social media can enjoy fleeting popularity. The best way to increase the relevance of a page on the web is to provide value to your audience. This is to some extent determined by the focus of the business as a whole.

A few more tips

How to structure your existing strategy.

The audience needs to be offered opportunities and describe ways to solve certain problems that may arise when using the product. You should also periodically publish tutorials. This will allow you to become more effective professionally and will generate interest from clients.

You need to be as consistent as possible throughout your marketing campaign. Content pillars have many benefits for business growth. Among them are:

Properly applying the pillars of social media content will not only help you promote your brand, but also create a community around it that shares your vision. You can also communicate with your subscribers in this way.

Your AI assistant, which you can get right now, knows about all these principles. Pygma is available in a trial period so that you can be convinced of the effectiveness of each of the many tools. Why waste time talking when you can already take advantage and customize your content not only correctly, but as attractively as possible for your audience.

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Example of an instagram photo created with AI assistant PygmaExample of an instagram photo created with AI assistant PygmaExample of an instagram photo created with AI assistant PygmaExample of an instagram photo created with AI assistant Pygma
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All about the benefits

Content pillars are a win-win for marketing. Not only will they create the right foundation for your posts, but they will also make the business owner feel more confident and able to implement their plans on the platform. And all this can be done for almost free!

Having a specific goal when using any social media platform is good. But do not forget that to create content pillars, you need to clearly comply with the theme and basic principles of your brand.

By using specific categories or themes, you can make it easier for yourself to create the content you want while staying true to your brand guidelines. Your social media content will help create a targeted product that will quickly increase KPI.

Pillars will help to properly organize the structure of your posts. By using a specific topic, the process of generating content and ideas will become more targeted and faster.

Pillars for social media will help you keep your pages consistent across different social networks simultaneously. This will add personality to your company. By reading this information, your followers will immediately recognize your brand and will be able to continue following your business across multiple platforms.

For this you need:

Correct development of social media content pillars will allow you to achieve several results simultaneously. One of them is classification of text in search engines. To create content pillars together with them, you can control where you are in the user's search for the corresponding request. Based on this, you can quickly make adjustments to the content based on certain keywords or words.

When using different social networks, many business owners want to achieve the following goals:

  1. to educate;
  2. to inspire
  3. to employ;
  4. to promote;
  5. to entertain.

Using content pillars, you can create the right structure of goals that will allow you to realize your ideas and develop in the creative process. They will be a source of constant inspiration and will make it easier to generate new ideas and strategies.

How to create a base?

To successfully complete the task, you should follow the instructions and do all the things step by step. The stages are:

If necessary, the text can always be repurposed based on its effectiveness.

At the initial stage of creating a social media content pillar, you need to determine the categories of your target audience. This step will give you an understanding of who you want to attract to your page, what interests the public and what problems bother them. This will allow you to create an optimal product in the future, which will give subscribers and buyers the opportunity to solve their problems by purchasing your product.

The guidelines to follow when creating social media content pillars are:

Taking a structured approach to creating a strategy will allow you to create cohesive and interesting posts, ensuring your audience is of value. It will also increase the engagement of visitors to your page and help your brand stand out from the crowd.

Isn’t it worth reminding you about the content planner that is available right now in the super service Pygma? This tool copes with the task perfectly, and will also help you create original content, suggest relevant topics and do a lot of useful things for the development of your account.

Examples of components

Examples of components of Content Pillars
Examples of components of Content Pillars.

It is important throughout the entire marketing campaign to constantly conduct content research in order to optimize it in the future if necessary. A tool such as Google Analytics can help with this. You can use them to track:

It is important to complete tasks within the first 7 days after posting content. This will provide the most accurate results. So, for example, if you determine that a certain topic is generating more interest, then you should concentrate on it and double down on your strategy by creating more similar content. But make sure not to overwhelm or bore your audience by only posting the same thing over and over again.

When creating social media content pillars, you must always remember that this is not a brainstorming of the client in order to force them to buy your product. Initially, it is important to understand what the pillars can be, and then narrow this circle down to specific details.

Points that should be taken into account when creating a social media content pillar and building the chosen strategy:

When applying any strategy, it is important to determine the meaning of being on a social network. You need to understand exactly what content will be most useful in order to attract maximum traffic to increase brand awareness online. Such objectives should be taken as the basis when building a business strategy.

Next, it is recommended to review the statistics every month to understand that the strategy is working correctly and meets your principles. The view of the situation may change over time based on various factors, but this is normal.

By keeping an eye on trends and paying attention to what changes are happening in your business niche, you can determine exactly what keywords to use in your content. When selecting keywords, you need to prioritize what is most popular for a subscriber at a given time, what shortcomings are in your existing content, where you have more prospects, etc.

Regularly reviewing SEO analytics will let you know what type of content is performing best and attracting audiences. Pay attention to high-performing social media posts, visual content, captions, or hashtags you use. This will give information about whether there are common themes that can be applied to create content pillars.

Once you've done thorough research on your audience and understand what content is most suitable, the next step is to plan how often you should post it. The social media content calendar will help you with this.

Social media content pillars created on the basis of a modern tool will help you create killer posts that will quickly spread across different social networks. This will make you feel more confident among your competitors when promoting your product.

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