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How to update your Digital twin (avatar) with new photos

You can replace your Digital twin with another one at any moment by uploading new photos. Here's how to do it

To update your Digital twin, you will need to upload new photos to reteach your model. It will delete your current Digital twin and replace it with a new one. Your old content will remain in your dashboard, but the new content you'll create will feature the new Digital twin instead of the old one.

First, you need to click on the Settings icon. It's the gear icon to the right of your profile picture.

Then, click on the Edit icon next to your current avatar picture. It's a round green icon with a pencil.

If you want your new Twin to be a different gender, don't forget to choose the new gender first and then click "next"

Then, click "Change avatar"

Now, upload your new photos, click "Next" and wait

Done! Click "Finalize" and all photos with your Digital twin will now feature your new persona ✨

How to edit photos with AI

With Pygma, you can change anything you want on a photo with a simple prompt or use AI filters. Here's how to do it

1. To upload a photo you want to edit, click a big green button with a "+" sign on the bottom of your screen if you're on mobile:

or "New content" in the upper right corner if you're on a desktop:

If you're using a tablet, the button position will depend on your resolution.

3. If you want to edit your photo, choose "Edit my pictures". If you want to generate a photo from scratch, select "Generate images". This article is about editing your photos, so we will choose the second option:

If you want to know more about generating your pictures, check this article.

4. Click on a green "+" button and upload your image

Now you can edit your photo with prompts or AI filters.

Let's see how we can edit with prompts first.

Enter what you want to change on a photo into the text box and click "Generate"

If you're satisfied with the result, click "Next" in the upper right corner. If not, you can enter more prompts or edit with AI filters.

Here's how to edit your photo with AI filters.

Go to the AI filters tab

Then select a filter you want to apply and click "Generate"

If you're satisfied with the result, click "Next" in the upper right corner. If not, you can enter more prompts or edit with AI filters. You can also download your result.

Now let's finish the post

Click "Next" in the upper right corner. Now you can add a caption to your Instagram post.

If you click "generate" while leaving it blank, Pygma will look at your picture and write an appropriate caption.

If you type something and then click "generate", Pygma will make a caption based on what you've typed.

You can also just type what you want to be in the caption yourself, edit the generation result, or just leave it blank.

When you're satisfied with your caption, click "Next" in the upper right corner.

Now you can check what your post looks like. You can save it to your Pygma dashboard or schedule and publish it directly to Instagram if you've linked your Instagram to Pygma.

Here's how to connect your Instagram to Pygma for easy publishing

If you schedule your post, you can choose the time and date it should be posted. You can also post it immediately.

If you just save your post, you can always find it in your dashboard, where you can schedule its posting or download its content to post it manually

Now you know how to edit your photos without fancy tools with a few clicks! Good luck and happy creating.

How to create pictures (posts)

You can create posts with static pictures with or without your face with Pygma. Here's how to do it

  1. Click a big green button with a "+" sign on the bottom of your screen if you're on mobile:

or "New content" in the upper right corner if you're on a desktop:

If you're using a tablet, the button position will depend on your resolution.

2. Choose "Posts":

3. If you want to generate a photo from scratch, choose "Generate images". If you want to edit your own photo, select "Edit my pictures". This article is about generating your photos from scratch, so we will choose the first option:

If you want to know more about editing your pictures with AI, check this article.

4. If you want your Digital twin to be on the photo, toggle "on". If not, toggle "off". When toggled "off", Pygma will generate pictures without people or pictures with random people.

5. Type what you want to generate into the text box. Don't worry about prompt engineering - we handle this for you on our backend. But the best practice is to avoid words like "Generate me", "Please" etc. - just describe what you want to see on the picture

6. Then click "Generate"

7. You've generated a picture! Now you can edit it, delete it, download it, add another one to your post, or proceed further with your post.

If you want to learn more about how to edit your photos with AI, check that article. In this article, we will proceed with our generation result by clicking "Next" in the upper right corner.

8. Now you can add a caption to your Instagram post.

If you click "generate" while leaving it blank, Pygma will look at your picture and write an appropriate caption.

If you type something and then click "generate", Pygma will make a caption based on what you've typed.

You can also just type what you want to be in the caption yourself, edit the generation result, or just leave it blank.

When you're satisfied with your caption, click "Next" in the upper right corner.

9. Now you can check what your post looks like. You can save it to your Pygma dashboard or schedule and publish it directly to Instagram if you've linked your Instagram to  Pygma.

Here's how to connect your Instagram to Pygma for easy publishing

If you schedule your post, you can choose the time and date it should be posted. You can also post it immediately.

If you just save your post, you can always find it in your dashboard, where you can schedule its posting or download its content to post it manually

Now you know how to create realistic photos for your social media instantly! Good luck and happy creating.